Sunday, May 20, 2007

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Christmas at our house this year was very similar to "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation". I love the movie but reliving parts of it weren't so good. It all started when Ben brought home a 12' 1/2" ft. tall tree and 7 ft. around. I thought it would be a piece of cake to decorate. Boy, was I wrong. It fell twice, once on top of me, and both times knocking into the ceiling fan(which I'm suprised is still there. Anyway, it was an adventure. But next year I'll have a fake, prelit tree.


Donna said...

That is hilarious! I love all the Vacation movies!!

Laura said...

Oh yes, I've been there - getting a great big tree to go under my high ceilings - and then realizing it is NOT worth the effort. Maybe I'll try again when my kids are much older and can do a lot of the decorating work. Until then, we love our fake, pre-lit, 7ft tree.